The building is set into a disused quarry to minimise visual impact from across the lake and minimise disruption to the existing trees and site ecology.
The car parking associated with the building will be concealed among the existing trees in informal small groupings. Due to the location in the existing excavation the building is accessed by ramp from the car parking to the changing room and common spaces.
The building accommodates a single storey boat house and two storey changing rooms, shower facilities, common room and gym all enclosed in one form. To further reduce the visual impact of the building the disparate parts of the programme areunified behind a weathered Douglas Fir cladding locally sourced. The timber cladding blends with the trees through colour, vertical rhythm and emphasis. The timber cladding is lifted over the access to the boat storage, to provide a canopy. The walls,doors and soffit at this active area are clad in robust galvanised steel.
The timber structure is designed as an over-scaled truss, to limit the impact on the ground, minimise the use of concrete while supporting the building and stored boats.
Boathouse Blessington